Woe have unleashed another helping from their upcoming full-length Hope Attrition. Listen to “The Ones We Lost” below courtesy of Decibel. Guitarist/vocalist Chris Grigg offers:

“If the name doesn’t give it away, ‘The Ones We Lost’ is about coming to terms with a loved one’s death. For me, it is the most draining song of Woe‘s entire catalog. I, the other members of the band, and seemingly everyone I know had to deal with sudden deaths of family and friends over the past few years. Even if you recover, it leaves you changed. The cognitive dissonance between your body’s sense of something fundamentally broken in the world and the world’s indifference never really goes away. I think of this song as the emotional centerpiece of the album, a statement about grappling with the individual’s powerlessness in the face of the ultimate, final uncaring force.”

Hope Attrition is scheduled for release on March 17th through the group’s new label-home at Vendetta Records. The effort is available for pre-order on CD here and digitally here. A remastered version of the group’s debut A Spell For The Death Of Man, is also available via the label’s Bandcamp.