Official press release:

Florida-based nonprofit To Write Love on Her Arms (TWLOHA) is bringing hope into the new year with the conclusion of their month-long giving campaign. The organization surpassed their goal of $125k by raising nearly $134k. The campaign is anchored by the idea that each gift and donation will make it possible for TWLOHA to reach new communities, share more stories, and connect thousands of people to the help they need and deserve.

In 2018, TWLOHA sponsored 3,100 counseling sessions and launched a new FIND HELP tool. In its first two months, the tool saw over 18,000 searches. For every four searches conducted, someone took the next step toward treatment and recovery by calling a helpline or scheduling an appointment with a counselor. Because of the support from people around the world, TWLOHA is making the distance between needing help and receiving help shorter than ever.

Last year TWLOHA also shared 100+ stories on their blog. These honest and vulnerable posts reached millions on their website and on social media each month. They were able to have a presence at 195 events, connecting with people at music festivals, the Vans Warped Tour, yoga events, colleges, and high schools, all to remind people that it’s okay to talk about mental health – that it’s okay to ask for help. Lindsay Kolsch shares:

“Our dream for 2019 is to reach more people with the message that they are not alone –that help is real. We know it can save a life. The funds raised during this campaign will make it possible for us to do more next year.”

To Write Love on Her Arms is a nonprofit dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. It exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery. Since its start in 2006, TWLOHA has donated over $2.3 million directly into treatment and recovery and answered over 200,000 messages from over 100 countries.