Band: Time, The Valuator
Song: “In Control” feat. Nico Schiesewitz (Breathe Atlantis)
Album: How Fleeting, How Fragile
Release Date: August 3rd, 2018
Label: Famined Records (ROW), Long Branch Records (EU)

Frontman Phil Bayer commented:

“Having ‘In Control’ finally out means a lot to us, we know how long we kept people waiting. The song deals with near death experiences through addiction and depression. But there’s always that one person, who’s able to pull you out of that, you need to let it happen. To anyone struggling with clinical depression or addiction, you know for a fact that you’re not alone. Turn to your family, open yourself up to your friends. Hell, message us if we’re able to help. Just don’t lock yourself up and succumb to this. You mean something.”


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  • How Fleeting, How Fragile track listing:

    1. “Terminus”
    2. “In Control”
    feat. Nico Schiesewitz
    3. “The Violent Sound”
    4. “Fugutive”
    feat. Mattéo Gelsomino
    5. “Cloud City”
    6. “Elusive Reasons”
    7. “Heritage”
    8. “How Fleeting”
    9. “When I Meet Death”
    10. “Onryo”
    11. “Starseeker”
    12. “How Fragile”