Band: Sun Speaker
Song: “Felle” feat. Jimbo Patton (Aethere)
Album: Ov Lustra
Produced by: Randy Abbott
Recorded at: Rabbott Audio
Artwork by: Saprophial
Release Date: TBA

The group said of the record:

‘Felle’ is only a piece of the journey for our main character who will become known to all when the full length is released later this year. It is chapter three in a story of love, loss, and triumph that is Ov Lustra. We are stoked to finally get this out to all of you, and cannot wait to unveil the rest of the story. Having said that, we definitely want to thank everyone that has supported us thus far in our own journey as a band. Many thanks are also due to RebelPyro and Metal Injection for the love and support of this release! We’ll have more for you all very soon. Enjoy!”

[via Metal Injection]