Band: Los Huaycos
Song: “Monstruosidades Salvajes”
Director: Mark “Professor Markarian” Reategui
Album: Savage Monstrosities
Release Date: February 8th, 2019
Label: Tankcrimes Records

Bassist Mark “Professor Markarian” Reategui said :

“I started out by cutting out the faces on the cover and flipped stuff around to complete them to all have jaws and eyes that can be moved around. This was my first use of the Improved Content Aware tool; it works nicely. Once the faces were ready, I showed them to Skinner to see if he approved. He was stoked and made bodies for them. I was overwhelmed with ideas. [Vocalist Fernando Pablo] Garzo [Garcia] and Skinner also had some great ones. It’s safe to say everyone including me originally wanted something with more of a narrative. But it just came out like a wild party! One of Skinner’s ideas was to have the monsters moshing around; I kinda went with that. We had green screen footage that Garzo helped me with too. He edited the drum parts. It was a group effort.”
